PI License: A2400226

Does The School You're Considering For Your Child Really Deserve Your Child?

  • Private Schools
  • Junior Colleges
  • Universities
  • Public Schools

Long before the Columbine High School shooting and since that tragic day we've searched to find a cause for school shootings. So we look for a fix or quick solution so the next child won't be victimized. If you're considering any public school, day care provider, private elementary school, faith based elementary school or high school from the southern coast of California to an east coast New York public high school we recommend checking things first. Until that fix comes along, we'll continue to do what investigative professionals with resources do before leaving our children at a new school. Some of our Investigators are parents too and we investigate first. The dangerous nature of the job we do mandates a higher level of security be provided for our loved ones. We also know that you don't have to be involved in a dangerous line of work to be a concerned parent. The list below covers a few areas we investigate before making the final decision on a school.

 Approximately how often do the local police get calls to the school for problems?
     Patrol cars and unmarked undercover Detectives spend time where the problems are.

 How many fights break out between students or non students per month?

 What about weapons on campus? Locker inspections?
     Have guns or knifes been commonly reported on or near the school campus?

 What do the parents of already enrolled students think about the influence of gangs?
     Are there known gang members or those that appear to be gang related enrolled at the school?

 How do the neighbors in the area feel about the school? Why should you care?
     These people notice drug deals, prostitution and other events taking place by the students after school. 
     Do you want to know what the neighbors think about the school now?

 Are known felons and sex offender working at or living near the school?

Every child is worth the cost of having Private Investigators check out their school. Typically this service is provided for the children that have parents with open check books. Parents without resources are encouraged to do your best and get answers to the questions listed above. For the parents with resources, we require a $500.00 retainer to get these answer.  

Copyright © 2023, Private Investigator, 77investigators.com, 77 Investigations, Inc., 3200 West End Ave Suite 500, Nashville, TN 37203, Co Lic: 1376, Free Call Nationwide (888) 259-4474